Lawyers from Jobs' Mob's cargo cult bashed off a stiff missive to the Japanese car making Toyota.
Toyota launched a campaign that placed a special Scion-branded theme pack in the Cydia store for jailbroken iPhone users to use. At the time it was seen as fairly progressive and showed that Toyota was embracing the jailbreak community. However it seems that the theme pack was pulled from Cydia after Toyota’s advertising agency was contacted by Apple and asked to have the theme removed from Cydia.
Toyota bowed to the will of the writs and insisted that the theme’s publisher take it down immediately. The move probably would not come as a surprise to anyone. It just shows that Toyota was probably a little to naive if it thought that Apple would allow someone reputable encourage the jailbreak community.
Apple does not like people doing things they like on phones they own and insists that people just shut up and do what Steve Jobs says.