Cloud engineers are top AI users
Published in Cloud

Cybersecurity plays catch-up

Cloud Engineers are the new AI overlords, leaving everyone else to squabble over second place, according to a new report.

Oracle denies cloud breach
Published in Cloud

However, not many are buying it

Oracle is doing its best impression of a brick wall after a hacker going by “rose87168” claimed to have waltzed through their cloud infrastructure and walked off with six million records.

Dutch want to purge US software from government servers
Published in Cloud

Don't trust Musk and Trump 

The Dutch want to reduce their dependence on Big US tech companies.

Apple fights UK back door
Published in Cloud

We get to do what we like now

Apple, the self-proclaimed guardian of user privacy, is throwing a tantrum over the UK's "back door" into its oh-so-secure iCloud systems.

UK Firms embrace application containerisation
Published in Cloud

Skills shortage solution

According to Nutanix's latest Enterprise Cloud Index (ECI) survey, more than 90 per cent of UK organisations are diving headfirst into application containerisation, with 91 per cent already harnessing the power of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI).