Dubbed the Q Founder, the watch has come out of a research partnership with Intel and Google. As a result, it snubs the traditional Qualcomm chip for something more Atomic.
The watch is surprisingly flexible. Lots of software tweaks can be made using the Fossil Q app.
The largely circular watch has 4 GB of storage and a 400 mAh battery, it also has the usual fitness tracking sensors.
It is one of the larger watches on the market – 71 grams, 46 mm wide, and 13 mm thick. A lot of the weight is due to the Q Founder offering IP67 water resistance.
Watchmakers have not had much luck getting into the smartwatch market so far. This is mostly because the Tame Apple Press tends to write them off quickly.Gizmodo, for example, lined up to say “there is nothing to see here” look at my iWatch. The main issue is that the Q Founder doesn’t do much more than what other Android Wear watches can do.
They sort of have a point, there is little between any of the watches in the market at the moment and there is no compelling reason to buy one.
Although traditional watchmakers like Fossil should be all over the technology, there is no overwhelming technology need for it. So far the only company which has made serious money from the gadgets has been Apple and even it could only flog it to hardcore Apple fanboys.