Fruity toymaker Apple has decided to stop bundling Adobe's Flash with Mac OS X. The new MacBook Air, which debuted earlier in the week, is the first Flash-less system from Apple, but it seems that Jobs Mob is going to delete it from other systems too.
Of course it is all symbolic. Mac users will still be able to install Flash themselves, and Apple has done nothing to block it from running.
All this really is, is a sop to Steve Jobs' anti-Flash obsession. Jobs claims that Flash is responsible for breaking his shiny gear. Obviously it was the people at Flash that were behind the design of the iPhone 4 which drops calls.
But the move also puts an end to Apple supplying Flash security updates to Mac OS X users as part of the operating system's patch process. Users will have to update the flash software themselves.
This means that Apple users, who are not the brightest of bulbs will have security holes in their Macs.