Adrian Perica met with Musk and "probably" Apple CEO Tim Cook at Apple's Cupertino headquarters last spring. A deal has not emerged but there are some suggestions that Apple might even be thinking of buying Tesla. That would at least get it out of the iPhone business which is faltering, and the iPad business which is being squashed by competition.
It is not the first time that an Apple acquisition of Tesla has been suggested. In fact Adnaan Ahmad, an analyst with German investment bank Berenberg, made a case that acquiring Tesla could give revenue Apple long-term revenue growth that is unavailable from smartphones and tablets.
Apple has been trying to integrate iOS into car dashboard screens and it has a partnership with Ferrari. Of course, no one is saying anything now, but we can’t think of anything worse. The company that bought me an Apple IIc which caught fire on a regular basis mixed with an outfit which has been linked to car fires is a recipe for disaster. Couple this with the fact that Apple fanboys will be on the road smugly driving around we could see some really bad driving.