ISP switches off net until you see its advert
Thanks to Trump's FCC
A US ISP gave its customers a clear snapshot of the powers that were awarded to them by Donald Trump's FCC when it switched off the internet for its customers until they acknowledged reading an advert for one of the services it was peddling.
Apple magnanimously permits users to stop throttling themselves
Lawsuits will do that
The fruity cargo cult Apple is set to pull the plug on secret battery saving technology which degraded the performance of the phone.
Chinese demand an investigation into iPhone throttling
This is getting worse
Apple’s worse nightmare is that the Chinese government might take steps to interfere with its flagging sales behind the bamboo curtain, but it is starting to look like its phone throttling antics might create a perfect storm.
Apple sees global backlash against phone throttling
This is going to get expensive
Apple’s undisclosed throttling of old iPhones for the “users own good” is unleashing a stream of hurt to the fruity cargo cult.
Apple says sorry for “misunderstanding” over phone throttling
All a terrible misunderstanding
Apple has just published a letter to customers saying sorry for throttling older phones which might have dodgy batteries without telling them.
GPU-Z throttles the GTX 580 back up
Wizzard conjures its magic