Based on some previous leaks, the phone, along with the Snapdragon 845 will have 8GB RAM. The phone comes with an under-display fingerprint scanner - something that few Asian phones have. This feature was confirmed by the Xiaomi CEO, Lei Jun.
Vivo X20 Plus phone was the first to demonstrate under-display fingerprint unlocking but Xiaomi might be using Qualcomm’s solution, as both companies are working closely.
Don’t forget about the notch, of course. The Mi 7 has the notch like almost any other phone on the market, but in case you don’t like thing, Xiaomi offers a notch-less Mi Mix 2S phone with a tiny bezel.
If the 23rd is the launch date, we have some three weeks to go until we see an official presentation of the phone. We have to rely on the quality of information leaked at weibo, that is all we have so far.