It has launched inside of ZTE Geek U988S phone and it aims a Chinese market. This is a China Mobile version of the ZTE Geek phone where Nvidia is replacing Intel as a processor supplier of choice for this line of phones. The phone will have a Tegra 4 processor clocked at 1.8GHz, 100MHz short of its full potential, and it comes with 2GB of memory, a standard for 2013 top of the line phones. We don’t know about the storage but the phone comes with 5-inch screen that features 1920x1080 full HD resolution, 2-megapixel front facing camera and a 8-megapixel primary camera.
This particular model works only on China Mobile’s TD-SCMA network while the rest of the planet will get another version of the ZTE Geek phone. There is no mention of LTE support but since China has none, this feature won't be coming to this phone.
The phone looks red and we are not sure about the build quality of it, but with the right pricing it might do just fine.
You can get more details here.