The Mini is said to feature 1GB of RAM, dual-core Qualcomm processor clocked at 1.4GHz and Adreno 305 graphics. It features a 4.3-inch 720p screen and a 4.1-megapixel Ultrapixel camera. At 4.3 inches we’re not sure HTC should be calling it a “mini” to begin with, as flagships of yesteryear featured similar screens.
The HTC One Max takes the screen size insanity to a whole new level, with a 6-inch SLCD3 panel. Frankly we’re not even sure whether we should call it a phablet, as it is practically a proper tablet. It packs a Snapdragon 800 processor clocked at 2.3Ghz and 2GB of RAM.
The Mini looks a bit more appealing to the mainstream consumer, although it’s not exactly a powerhouse. A 1.4GHz dual-core doesn’t sound like much in this day and age, but then again it will apparently feature the excellent Ultrapixel camera of HTC One fame.