According to beancounters at Apple friendly independent research outfit Wristly, the more people knew about technology the less happy they were with the god-awful product. The findings confirm what we have been saying all along, you have to be a rabid Apple fanboy to think that the iWatch is any good. This survey seems to hint that even if you buy one you are going to be incredibly disappointed.
To be fair Wristly thinks the Apple Watch has legs and was a bit surprised to see all the negative opinions on “this revolutionary new product.” So it talked to 330 people who stated that they owned an Apple Watch and were not satisfied with it.
Slightly under half the respondents made up their mind about the Apple Watch within two weeks. Apparently the first to lose interest in the gadget were those who know anything about technology.
What surprised Wristly was that the majority of rejecters had kept it “in a drawer”. Few owners (?18 percent) of the Apple Watch and 24 (percent) of the Apple Watch Sport owners had sold it and only 12 per cent and 17 per cent respectively had returned it to Apple.
Wristly thinks that this is because users had a “reluctance to completely reject it.” Personally we think this argument is silly. You could equally say that the person and deeply rejected the product and wanted to have nothing more to do with it, or was too embarrassed to take it back .
The top reason the owner gave it up was “not enough value” which could be said for any Apple product. But the key performance areas were most frequently cited with 80 per cent blaming limited feature-set, 66 per cent rating it as too slow and 59 per cent unhappy with the battery life.
“Fifth of the top five reasons was a bit more insightful with 53 per cent of the respondents reported being annoyed that the time is not always displayed and having to “tilt” to wake-up Apple Watch to see the time.”
Trying not to embarrass Apple too much, Wristly pointed out that 30 per cent of dissatisfied owners still wear Apple Watch more or less regularly. The belief was that this figure actually “meant something” other than the fact that they had wasted so much dosh on the shiny toy they might as well still use it.
What strikes us as more disturbing is that roughly half the dissatisfied owners who responded think they might still buy the next one. This really does mean that Apple users are masochists who never learn from their mistakes.
However fortunately for the rest of humanity there are few more statistics which count against the Apple Watch masochism continuing. Firstly Jobs’ Mob sold less than nine million out of the 42 million expected. There will be a hard core of those nine million who will never buy another iWatch and another percentage that will think twice about it. On that basis the numbers for iWatch 2 will be much less than the first iWatch.