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PS3 Slim shows up for sale
Already on some dealer shelves
Several sources have let us know that the new slim version of the PlayStation 3 is already appearing on dealer shelves for sale. While it isn’t widely available yet, it would appear that new slim 120GB version will continue to show up as inventories dwindle; our sources tell us that many retailers have received inventories of the slim version that are sitting in storerooms in the back while the retailers try to move the old version of the console as quickly as they can.
One interesting word of note is that some retailers are worried about recent purchasers of the old unit trying to return the unit for a slim model, as the slim features a bigger hard drive and a lower price than what they paid.
Our sources are confirming that Best Buy is trying to head this problem off at the pass by offering customers a price match as well as choice of a free copy of Infamous, MLB 09, or Killzone 2 as a manager’s option to attempt to prevent customers who have purchased the older PS3 in the past 30 days from returning the unit. It seems. However, that it is up to the manager as to exactly how to offer this deal.
While we have seen evidence of this Best Buy memo, we are still unclear on how it will be applied; but it is clear that at least Best Buy is attempting to be proactive in letting its people know that they should expect returns and to be aware of the situation. If you are able to get both the price match and a free game, this makes the older 80GB version of the PS3 a very good value for the money.