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StarCraft II local LAN plan drama continues
Latest is that Internet-Authenticated LAN play to be allowed
Although StarCraft II isn’t even out yet, it seems that the drama that is local LAN play continues to dominate a massive outcry from fans of StarCraft. It was first reported that Blizzard would not be allowing any local LAN play at all, which means that local network games or LAN parties need not apply.
During the BlizzCon 09 event this past weekend, it would seem that a reversal of sorts emerged. News leaked out that local LAN games would be allowed after authentication took place online to This would allow for the local low latency local LAN games to be played, but continue the always connected experience that Blizzard wants to enforce.
According to our sources, nothing is set in stone yet, but it would seem that Blizzard is now leaning this way. Still, many gamers are upset at the need to have a connection to to play StarCraft II, and this has led to a lot of noise over Blizzard’s stance on this going forward.
The news should not be a surprise, as the advantages of having an always connected game are better long-term for the developer and publisher if they know that the game is going to likely be a hit, such as StarCraft II is certain to be. Blizzard has defended its decision to go in this direction by reducing the number of ways it must plan and that this makes things more equal.
We will have to see long-term where this leads, but it could be that the lack of LAN play features might make more waves before it is all said and done. We have to question Blizzard’s need to make waves, rather than sales.