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Wii finally keeping up with demand

Price increase in U.S. unlikely to happen
According to published reports, Bob McKenzie SVP responsible for merchandising at Game Stop believes that Nintendo is finally delivering enough Wii consoles in the U.S. to keep up with the demand for the time being. For the first time in a long time Game Stop has Wii consoles on the shelf.
McKenzie also let it be known that he finds it unlikely that Nintendo of America will follow the lead of their European counterparts in raising the price of the Wii in the U.S. as they have done in the European market space.
The popularity of the Wii Fit surprised Game Stop as the company was not really sure that it was going to be as popular as it turned out to be. The company is now predicting additional growth in the fitness category and upcoming releases that use the Wii Fit should take sales even further.