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Mass Effect 2 confirmed
Only for PC and Xbox 360 so far
As we told you previously, Mass Effect 2 has now been officially confirmed by BioWare for release on the PC and Xbox 360. While no official projected release date was announced, the studio did say that it was on track for release in 2010.
Mass Effect 2 will build upon the successful release of the first Mass Effect title. According to the developer, the title is shaping up to be a worthy sequel to the original Mass Effect with the non-stop action that made the first installment of the RPG-Shooter so popular.
The new Mass Effect 2 will be loaded with new weapons, new combat, and best of all, perhaps more in-depth planet exploration. BioWare also said that Mass Effect 2 would be delivering a very powerful and emotionally engaging story line as part of the new title.
With the announcement it would appear to not confirm that Mass Effect 2 will be making its way onto the PlayStation 3 platform, as some of our sources originally suggested. With the announcement today, both BioWare and EA were very clear that the game was only in development for the PC and Xbox 360 platforms. While they did not close the door on the possibility, it is pretty well shut from what we could tell.