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First salvo of Hasbro titles hit XBLA
Four titles today with three in the works
Electronic Arts released the first four titles in its Hasbro Family Game Night series for Xbox Live today. Included in the initial drop were Scrabble, Connect 4, Battleship and Yahtzee.
The games in the Hasbro Family Night series are hosted by Mr. Potato head and feature both classic and new modes of game play. All of the games in the series support multiplayer support both locally and over Xbox Live.
Electronic Arts also announced that an additional three new titles are in development and are nearing release in the Hasbro Family Game Night series in the coming months. The three additional titles to be released are Boggle, Sorry!, and Sorry Sliders. No exact release date on these additional titles was available beyond the fact that they will be released in the coming months.
Each title in the Hasbro Family Game Night series will be available for 800 Microsoft Points each. The fact that EA is selling each title for 800 points each could be an issue for many who might see this as a bit of gouging on EA’s part. It is surprising that EA is not offering a bundle deal on the titles, perhaps offering a buy three-get one free deal. The choice not to bundle the titles together could be a disadvantage, but some might argue that this gives the buyer the flexibility to only buy the titles that they want.
It is currently unknown if EA will eventually offer all of the games in the Hasbro Family Game Night series at retail bundled together. However, we do think this could be likely at some point in the future. The Hasbro Family Game Night series is part of EA’s major push into the casual gaming market space, which has been very popular, especially on the Xbox 360 because of Xbox Live Arcade.
We think it remains to be seen if these titles will be popular on the Xbox 360 given that the average gamer is a bit older and may have little interest in board games that have been converted to the platform.