Toshiba recalled T130 Satellite laptops after some melted, burning two people. The problem is with the power adaptor which causes overheating in the satellite T135, Satellite T135D or Satellite ProT130.
In a press release Tosh said that the defective harness may, in some circumstances, overheat to the point of melting the computer's base at the location where the AC adaptor plugs into the unit.
The heat has lead to 129 complaints and reports of two minor burns and property damage. More than 41,000 laptops are affected. The action is being referred to as a recall by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, Health Canada, and Toshiba in North America.
Customers simply need to install a BIOS update to check for the flaw. If the BIOS works out that a harness failure is occurring, external power will immediately be disabled eliminating the possibility of the overheating," Toshiba said. Then it will have to go back to Toshiba for a warranty repair.