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Japanese outfit claimed Apple nicked its good name

by on23 October 2017

Begun the “animoji” wars have

A Japanese software company claimed that the fruity cargo cult Apple nicked its trademarked term "animoji" for one of the few new features of the iPhone X.

The appropriately named Tokyo-based Emonster has sued Apple in federal court in San Francisco, saying it holds the US trademark on the term animoji and that Apple's use of the word is a "textbook case" of deliberate infringement.

Apple's animoji feature allows users to animate the facial expressions of emojis using facial recognition technology. It will be included on the iPhone X which is scheduled for release in November.

Phil Schiller, Apple's chief marketing officer claimed the animoji was a "great experience" for communicating with family and friends. Nothing says “communicate” like a steaming animated turd, and the poo animoji is not much better.

Emonster chief executive Enrique Bonansea launched an animated texting app in 2014 called Animoji and registered a trademark on the product name, according to the lawsuit.

Apple had full knowledge of Emonster's app because it is available for download on Apple's App Store, the lawsuit said.

"Apple decided to take the name and pretend to the world that 'Animoji' was original to Apple", Emonster said in the complaint.

Emonster said it is seeking unspecified money damages and a court order blocking Apple from using the term while the lawsuit is pending.

Last modified on 23 October 2017
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