Published in News

Apple gets self-driving car testing licence

by on17 April 2017

Don’t hold your breath

The Tame Apple Press was over the moon this morning after it was revealed that the fruity cargo cult has got a licence to test self-driving cars.

Of course, they were telling the world that people like Fudzilla, who said Apple’s self-driving car operations were over, were completely wrong. Soon Apple fanboys will be sitting in their driverless iCars with Coldplay blasting away going where ever Jobs’ Mob's Maps software takes them.

Of course, it is not that simple. Apple shut its Project Titan after other car manufacturers failed to sign one of Jobs’ Mobs contracts. The company also let most of the staff connected with the project go.

The Tame Apple Press has been getting around this particular problem by claiming that Apple was just having an internal reorganisation and was still interested in self-driving cars.

Apple wrote a letter to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration last November, commenting on its proposed automated-vehicles policy, saying it’s “excited about the potential of automated systems in many areas, including transportation” and that “new entrants should be treated equally” for testing on public roads.

However it is unlikely that Jobs’ Mob wants to build its own car any more. What it might want to do is come up with some of the software which will help it run, particularly in car entertainment systems. To do all that it will need to test it in the real world and that is why it needs its licence.

Fortunately the world is safe from Apple actually putting a product on the road.

Last modified on 17 April 2017
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