Now that is chump change to Apple (it is about the cost of an iPad, an iPhone and perhaps a watch) but it does seem a little high to us.
While Cook is a recognisable figure a couple of body guards to follow him around is not going to cost $700,000.
While there are people out there who have a realistic view of what Apple is doing to the world, they are hardly likely to shoot him. After all Apple is a bit like Hydra if you kill one head two more will grow back.
If Apple followed the same approach to security that it has on its products, someone would shoot Cook and security would deny he had been shot for two months. Then they would say that only a small percentage of Cook had been shot and then six months later would take him to the hospital.
In the real world the most action security is going to get is peeling adoring fanboys from Cook at one of Apple's rallies. True, some of them are a little porky but they are not going to be armed.
Apple mentioned the cost in a US Securities and Exchange Commission report.
To be fair, wasting money on security for CEO's who no one in the street would recognise is not the soul preserve of Apple.
Amazon paid out $1.6 million that year on security for Jeff Bezos. Bezos would not be recognisable by most people, but he has angered a few German trade unions so might be at risk from being clubbed to death Braunschweiger (it is a type of sausage and not a creature from the TV programme Grimm).
Oracle pays $1.5 million on security for Larry Ellison, at least when he was still CEO of Oracle. Ellison is a little abrasive and has made a few enemies in his time.