Fruity cargo cult Apple is considering improving the quality of the cameras in its shiny toys as it experiments with a new concept called “value for money.”
Daring Fireball‘s John Gruber claimed on his podcast that Jobs Mob is planning to use two camera lenses would work together to create much higher-quality photos and video.
“The specific thing I heard is that next year’s camera might be the biggest camera jump ever. I don’t even know what sense this makes, but I’ve heard that it’s some kind of weird two-lens system where the back camera uses two lenses and it somehow takes it up into DSLR-quality imagery.”
Of course, Apple is copying the idea from its rivals. HTC’s M8 phone uses such a system on its rear-facing camera. The best-known supplier of dual-lens technology is Corephotonics.
Corephotonics says that dual-lens systems can take care of many of the problems inherent in single-lens photography — like motion blur, lack of optical zoom, low light-related noise, missed focus, and optical constraints.
It will certainly mean that the phones will look slightly different and the Tame Apple Press will hail this “gamechanging” “supercool” technology – even if, by the time Apple gets it into the shops, everyone will have it.