A judge in Iran thinks that it would be a wizard wheeze to try social notworking God Mark Zuckerburg for invading the privacy of Persians with his Facebook operation. Of course if they ever get the guy in the dock the court promises him a fair trial. The Judge has already dubbed him a Zionist even though he is not a practicing Jew, so we can see Zuckerberg checking his passport to see if he can have his day in court.
Apparently the trail is motivated by a couple of complaints by individuals who cited that there were unspecified privacy concerns which were related to Instagram and WhatsApp. Iranian official Ruholla Momen-Nasab mentioned to state news agency INSA, "According to the court's ruling, the Zionist director of the company of Facebook, or his official attorney, must appear in court to defend himself and pay for possible losses."
Yeah we can see that happening Ruholla, there are shedloads of people of Jewish descent who are just queuing up to be tried by a court which makes those in the US look sane by comparison. To make matters worse it appears that one side of the Iranian justice system does not know what the other side is doing.
An Iranian prosecutor Wednesday denied reports that a local judge ordered Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg to appear in court. Shiraz Chief Prosecutor Ali Alghasimehr was quoted by the official IRNA news agency as saying Zuckerberg has not been summoned to court and Facebook-owned applications Instagram and Whatsapp remain permitted.
Ruhollah Momen Nasab turned out to be an information technology official with the paramilitary Basij force. That is not to say that they don’t have the power to order someone into court, but it does look less likely.
Facebook is already officially banned in the country, along with other social websites like Twitter and YouTube as well as their mobile apps. However, many Iranians use proxy servers to access banned websites and applications, and some senior leaders such as Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif are active on Twitter.