During its announcement of the long awaited Apple Watch, as well as the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, Apple has also unveiled the official launch date for the next version of its favorite operating system, iOS 8. The new iOS update, with all of the fancy new features Apple talked about at its Cupertino event will be coming to a rather extensive list of devices on September 17th.
In case you missed it back during WWDC 2014, the new iOS 8 will have a new messaging app, new and improved notification system, new health app and, of course, updates to the user interface.
As noted, iOS 8 will be coming to a long list of devices and in addition to the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, which will launch with iOS 8 on September 19th, the new iOS will be coming to the, now more affordable, iPhone 5S and the iPhone 5C, iPhone 4S, iPod Touch 5th generation, as well as all the iPads since the iPad 2, including the iPad Mini and the iPad Mini Retina.