Ukrainian Facebook users have complained to Mark Zuckerberg that their accounts are being blocked by the Tsar Putin’s bot army.
Apparently as part of his invasion of the Ukraine, Tsar Putin was incredibly worried that his forces will be stopped dead in their tracks by people who are extraordinarily well informed about what their friends ate or saw cheerful pictures of kittens. Therefore, his answer was to get his crack cyber hackers to block prominent Facebook users.
Several well-known pro-Ukrainian activists who are critical of the Kremlin and the pro-Russian rebels in Eastern Ukraine have had their Facebook pages blocked in recent weeks.
It does not appear to have been done by hacking, but basically “organized pro-Putin groups of Russian users” using Facebook’s complaints system.
Facebook, which seems to have a policy of ignoring complaints about blocked sites, has been shrugging off the Ukrainians’ objections.
So now they have composed a letter addressed directly to Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. The letter has been circulated on the social network, and has been shared over 900 times during the past 24 hours.
In the letter Ukrainians remind Zuckerberg of the importance of sites like Facebook in the information war waged between Ukraine and Russia.
Among total informational blockade and aggressive pro-Russian propaganda, Facebook remains probably the most important channel for delivering the information about the events at hotspots of this war, as well as the only way of communication between those Ukrainians, who reside on the territories, currently occupied by the Russian military forces.