With Microsoft adding Blu-ray 3D support to the Xbox One in its upcoming August Update, Sony of course wants everyone to know that they too will have Blu-ray 3D support with the release of the 1.75 System Update which will be released next week.
The 1.75 System Update follows the launch of the 1,74 System Update that added additional tweaks to improve system stability. 1.74 was a minor update at best. It is unknown right now if Sony is planning to add anything else with the 1.75 System Update or if the update is just to add the Blu-ray 3D support.
We actually find it quite puzzling why all of sudden there is what seems like a sudden rush to get Blu-ray 3D support added to both consoles. Blu-ray 3D has continued to lag in popularity and in fact the number of released 3D titles on Blu-ray continues at the rate of trickle. Blu-ray 3D just does not seem to be that popular.
One source tells us however, that apparently there was at least some popularity for the 3D Blu-ray support on the PlayStation 3. Many PlayStation 3 owners did watch at least some Blu-ray 3D titles, but we have to wonder if that trend continued much after the initial release of 3D Blu-ray.
No matter, both consoles will offer 3D Blu-ray support and be able to check that box off as even between the two once their necessary updates are deployed.