Fruity cargo cult Apple is managing to do something right and is powering its datacentre with solar energy. The scheme apparently has worked so well that Apple is thinking of expanding the project.
Cupertino has purchased another 100 acres of land in order to construct what will be its third, solar farm in North Carolina. This new solar farm is touted to be able to churn out 17.5 megawatts, and the entire cost of its construction is tipped to run all the way to some $55 million. More than 75 jobs will be created, and Apple themselves have already agreed to source the workers locally.
One question that few seem to be asking is what does Apple need all that juice for? Its North Carolina data centre is still not at full capacity and it probably has all the electricity it needs. It would appear that Apple has dreams of another data centre near its new one. Quite why has yet to be established. When the first data centre was built it was estimated that if Apple filled it, it would give it more processing power than Google.