Published in News

Syrians bring down Viber

by on24 July 2013

It is spying on users

The Syrian Electronic Army has hacked into Viber, the popular VOIP messaging app. The free phonecall and texting app’s website has been hit and resulted in Viber’s Support and Knowledgebase website being commandeered by the hacking group, and private data about users published on the web.

This is the second result for the SEA which a few days ago nicked details of millions of Tango users, another mobile messaging app. According to security expert Graeme Cluely Viber’s support website at was defaced to read:

“Hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

Dear All Viber Users, 

The Israeli-based "Viber" is spying and tracking you. We weren't able to hack all Viber systems, but most of it is designed for spying and tracking.”

Embedded within the defaced webpage is a link to a screencapture of what appears to be an internal database by Viber employees showing users’ phone numbers, device UDID, country, IP address, operating system and version, first registration to Viber, and what version of Viber they are using. 

In addition, at the bottom of the defaced webpage, the hackers published the names, phone numbers and email addresses of Viber administrators.

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