Published in News

Silicon Valley has become Logan’s Run

by on08 July 2013

y analyst

You are on carousel at 30

A pay outfit has worked out that the average age of workers at Silicon Valley is 30. According to PayScale this means that like the film Logan’s Run, the region offs its workers when they hit 30. Just six of the 32 companies it looked at had a median age greater than 35 years old.

Eight of the companies, the study said, had median employee age of 30 or younger. Women were generally less than 30 percent of the work force, and in fields like semiconductors, represented much less. The company with the oldest workers on the PayScale list, Hewlett – Packard, came in at 41 years. In comparison to the rest of the workforce, the Bureau of Labour Statistics said that the overall median age of American workers is 42.3 years old.

The seven companies with the youngest workers, ranked from youngest to highest in median age, were Epic Games,26; Facebook, 28; Zynga, 28; Google, 29. At AOL, Blizzard Entertainment, InfoSys, and the average age was 30. Normally only shoe stores and restaurants have workers with a median age less than 30.
The companies with older workers tend to be older companies, because some people still stay with one employer for many years.

Cisco Systems has a median worker age of 35, and both Samsung and Microsoft come in at 34. Firms that are growing or innovating around new areas tend to have younger workers. Older companies that aren’t changing with the times get older workers, Payscale claimed.

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