Satellite giant DirecTV has announced that yet again they will be raising prices. The news might come as a bit of a shock to those subscribers who thought that the pricing would stay static this year. The price increase will come starting on February 10th and will appear on billing statements issued after that date.
The increase can be as much as 4%, depending on which package and which options you have. One thing that is certain to set customers off is that DirecTV will be increasing its lease or mirroring receiver fee to $6 per month per receiver.
While some are already commenting that the continued price increases by the provider have become an annual occurrence, many forums have seen very outspoken subscribers over the increases. Meanwhile, the company has said that costs continue to escalate for programming and the technology to deliver the programming. While this might be true, it still does not make the news any more palatable for subscribers.
Speaking of technology, DirecTV continues to be the leader in the U.S. market space for 3D TV programming; and apparently that is going to continue, with additional 3D channels expected to come on line later this year. In addition, DirecTV is also planning for some satellite transitions, as well, which will both cost the company money.