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Zeus botnet on Blackberries and Android
This will hit your phone bill
Security experts have found new Zeus malware which targets Android and BlackBerry mobile phones. Kaspersky Lab said it found four new Zeus-in-the-mobile (Zitmo) samples targeting BlackBerry users in Germany, Spain, and Italy, Denis Maslennikov, a researcher at Kaspersky Lab wrote on the company's Securelist blog that he variants were communicating with two command-and-control mobile phone numbers in Sweden.
Zitmo is a version of the Zeus malware that specifically targets mobile devices. There were three .cod files and one .jar file with a .cod file inside. The BlackBerry variants were the same as other Zitmo versions in the wild, other than grammatical corrections, Maslennikov said.
Maslennikov also found a new Zitmo variant for Android using the same command and control (C&C) numbers as the BlackBerry versions. BlackBerry has avoided being a target for malware despite its significant install base amongst enterprises and government agencies.