Ridiculous does not quite paint the entire picture. Absurd? Definitely. However, plain silly will do the trick as Vatican reacted to an iPhone application entitled ‘Confession: A Roman Catholic App.’
The app description reads:” Designed to be used in the confessional, this app is the perfect aid for every penitent. With a personalized examination of conscience for each user, password protected profiles, and a step-by-step guide to the sacrament, this app invites Catholics to prayerfully prepare for and participate in the Rite of Penance.” The app is available for the iPhone, iPo Touch and iPad at $1.99.
However, Father Federico Lombardi said that technology is not a substitute for a priest, condoning use of iPhone for this purpose. Lombardi said:”One cannot speak in any way of confessing via iPhone (…) This cannot be substituted by any IT application.”
Just to be clear on this, in case you haven’t picked up on it already – we don’t know what’s more ridiculous here, that someone would make a ‘confession walkthrough app’ or Vatican reacting to an actual iPhone app. As for the priest obviously owning an iPhone, don’t even get me started.
More here.
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Vatican: Catholics shall not confess via iPhone

Confession app no substitute for a priest
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