Published in News

Al-Qaida gets into security software

by on21 January 2008


Encryption for free

organization, al-Qaida, has released its own flavor of encryption software in a bid to help its members communicate with greater security on the Internet.

Coming under the catchy title, Mujahideen Secrets 2, the software has been dubbed the first Islamic program for secure communications through networks with the highest technical level of encoding. Nice to see that they have got the PR spiel all worked out.

The software is available for free on the password-protected site. The first version of Mujahideen Secrets was issued in early 2007 by the Global Islamic Media Front, which is not to be confused with the Global Media Front of Islam, or the Islamic Global Front of the Media.

According to, the software aims to ensure secure e-mail and other communications. It is not clear how effective it is, but the earlier version did get a wide distribution.

More here.
Last modified on 22 January 2008
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