Activision has said that over 5 million songs have been downloaded since early November when Guitar Hero III was released. This is impressive, since they have been able to convince fans to pay $1 per song with an installed user base that is much less than that of a digital distribution seller such as iTunes.
This excitement of new materials has sparked new attention of the music industry in the ability to market music in a new and different way. While the industry has been hurting, new forms of digital distribution, such as Guitar Hero and Rock Band, are opening new revenue streams for the industry that they never really thought about previously. Now, some are suggesting that this is just a first step to making music available for sale in a variety of other titles in upcoming video games.
While some exclusive music will continue to be free in some titles, expect options to download more music to be incorporated into your favorite games and an option going forward, and don’t expect it to be restricted to just music-oriented games. If music publishers have their way, radios in cars within the games will offer a variety of music for sale in a variety of different ways.
Read more here.
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5 million songs sold for Guitar Hero III
Downloads only available since November