The new site brings quite a few novelties and among the most important are the comments, the feature that so many of our faithful readers have been waiting for. Comments are now there for your convenience but you will have to spend cca. 27 seconds to register. Naturally, if one gets inappropriate or spams, he will be banned and his post(s) deleted.
The most notable are the featured articles that are giving the site a new, refreshed look. We like it and hope you will too.
We also got you hooked up to Facebook and Twitter and you can vote for the articles as well. If this is not enough, Delicious, Digg, Reddit, Stumble upon, again facebook, myspace and technorati are also there.
You can list all the articles from your favourite author or increase the font size inside of the article.
There are many other small and big things that got better with the new site and we hope it will serve you and us well. After all, it's been three years and almost four months since we’ve introduced Fudzilla’s original design, and it was the right time for change. We tried before but it just took us much longer than we’ve expected.
We hope that we will polish some little things that might show up in our early days, and please use comments to let us know if you think we missed something or you would like to see a new feature.
To sum it all - thank you all that stuck by us for almost three and a half years, as it is you, the readers who got us where we are today. I would like to thank the whole Fudzilla team as well as the developers and our numerous industry friends.
Enjoy the new site and thank you for your support
Fudzilla team