13 June 2013
Microsoft pleased with Xbox One
Thinks that people will come around
13 June 2013
Xbox One’s count is at 51 and rising
15 of the 51 titles are Xbox One exclusive
10 June 2013
Microsoft announces new Xbox 360
Gives it the Xbox One look
10 June 2013
Microsoft Xbox One coming in November for US $499
Microsoft spills the beans
06 June 2013
Microsoft releases new Xbox One E3 trailer
Teases upcoming game lineup
05 June 2013
Xbox One more expensive than PS4?
Could be a reversal this time around
04 June 2013
User will not pay Xbox One user/trade fee
Store to pay it and kick it up to Microsoft
30 May 2013
AMD to coin in cash from console wins
$60 to $100 per console according to analysts
29 May 2013
Microsoft believes fans will still buy Xbox One
If gaming is what you want, then you will still pick us, they say
28 May 2013
Xbox One pulls power from the cloud
So if it rains you know why