While Microsoft says that they are going to talk about games at E3, they had better do a much better job at communicating than they did at their recent press conference. Many gamers were downright angry at what the company has shown of the Xbox One so far. Many have commented that it also appears that the company has no cohesive message, and further, they don’t seem to know what the message really is for the Xbox One.
If the DRM issue was not enough to anger the faithful, then the comments about backward compatibility with the Xbox 360 have only added kerosene to the fire. It was none other than Don Mattrick, when questioned about backward compatibility, who summed it by saying it was just “backwards.”
While Microsoft claims that entertainment applications are driving the platform, the gamers are the ones who are the most vocal, and they are also the ones who purchase the games. We would not be too sure that Spencer is correct that similar to Xbox sheep, the fans will just line up and buy the Xbox One. There is just too much noise and discord, and it reminds us of the Windows 8 backlash; let’s just hope that Microsoft figures this out sooner, rather than later.