03 February 2014
New lower-cost Xbox One Model coming
Publishers being told to expect it by EOY
31 January 2014
Firmware update for Xbox One in March
Will include a number of promised fixes
31 January 2014
Limited Edition Xbox One coming
White version of the console to be released
30 January 2014
Halo 2 coming to Xbox One?
Rumors suggest November release
22 January 2014
75 prototypes were considered for Xbox One
Thorough decision making process for Microsoft
16 January 2014
Titanfall to get Limited Edition controller
Inspired by the C-101 carbine only for Xbox One
16 January 2014
Xbox One gets BF4 update ahead of schedule
Possible downtime while the update is deployed
16 January 2014
Diablo III for Xbox One?
Rumors again suggest that it will happen
14 January 2014
Spencer does not think X1 is last console
Local computing power will still need important
10 January 2014
Updates coming for Xbox One
Will focus on fixing social features