Nvidia releases new Geforce 376.09 WHQL drivers
Game Ready drivers for Watch Dogs 2 and more
Nvidia has released its newest Geforce Game Ready 376.09 WHQL drivers which bring all the optimizations for Watch Dogs 2, Dead Rising 4 and Steep games.
Nvidia fixes Geforce 375.86 WHQL Pascal VRAM clock issues
With new Geforce 375.95 Hotfix drivers
Nvidia has finally fixed VRAM issues noticed on some Pascal GPU-based graphics cards with the recently released Geforce 375.86 WHQL driver, by releasing the new Geforce 375.95 Hotfix driver.
Nvidia releases new Geforce 375.86 WHQL drivers
Optimizations for a couple of games
Nvidia has released its newest Geforce 375.86 WHQL drivers which bring optimizations for future Battlefield 1, Civilization VI and Tom Clancy's The Division updates as well as optimizations for the upcoming Steep Open Beta game.
Nvidia releases Geforce 375.70 WHQL Game Ready drivers
Bringing optimal experience for plenty new games
Nvidia has officially released its new Geforce 375.70 WHQL Game Ready drivers which should provide better gaming experience in plenty of new games, including the upcoming Dishonored 2 and Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare as well as the new Titanfall 2 game.
Nvidia releases Geforce 375.57 WHQL Game Ready drivers
One to have
Following some recent and upcoming game releases, Nvidia has rolled out its newest Geforce 375.57 WHQL Game Ready drivers that are intended to bring the best gaming experience for Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2 and Civilization VI but also adds a couple of SLI and 3D Vision profiles and a couple of bug fixes.
Nvidia releases new Geforce 373.06 WHQL Game Ready drivers
Optimal experience for three new games
Following the upcoming release of Gears of War 4 and the release of a Mafia 3 game, Nvidia has launched its newest Geforce 373.06 WHQL Game Ready drivers that brought optimal optimizations for these new games as well as a couple of other fixes.
Nvidia releases Geforce 372.70 WHQL drivers
One to have for Battlefield 1 Beta and WOW:Legion
Following the launch of Battlefield 1 Open Beta, which became available to some today, as well as the launch of World of Warcraft: Legion and some other games, Nvidia has released its newest Geforce 372.70 WHQL driver which promises to bring optimizations for these games and some other fixes.
Nvidia rolls out new Geforce 372.54 WHQL drivers
Support for new Geforce 10 series mobile GPUs and Game Ready drivers
Nvidia has officially released its newest Geforce 372.54 WHQL-certified drivers which bring support for the recently released Geforce GTX 10 series notebook graphics cards, the GTX 1080, GTX 1070 and the GTX 1060, as well as include all the optimizations for a couple of games, including No Man's Sky and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
VR Fun House now available on Steam as Free to Play title
Nvidia has released its newest Geforce 368.81 WHQL drivers, which are also both Game and VR Ready, and has released the Nvidia VR Fun House, a set of mini-games to show off some VR and Nvidia technologies in action.
Nvidia rolls out new Geforce 368.69 WHQL drivers
Game Ready for DiRT Rally VR
Nvidia has released its newest Geforce 368.69 WHQL Game Ready drivers which will bring all the optimizations for the new DiRT Rally VR game, which heavily focuses on virtual reality experience.