According to details provided by Nvidia and the release notes, the new Geforce 372.54 WHQL drivers primarily bring support for new Geforce 10 series GTX notebook graphics cards, including the Geforce GTX 1080, GTX 1070 and the GTX 1060 as well as the new Battery Boost feature, introduced with these graphics cards. These new Pascal-based graphics cards for notebooks should soon be "available in laptops of all shapes and sizes".
The new Geforce 372.54 WHQL drivers are also Game Ready drivers and include all the necessary optimizations for a couple of new and upcoming games, including No Man's Sky, which was plagued by plenty of performance problems on the PC, upcoming Deus Ex: Mankind Divided game from Square Enix, F1: 2016, Obduction and Paragon beta as well as add support for Nvidia Ansel in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
The drivers also enable mclk switches on 144HZ G-Sync monitors in multi-monitor setups, add support for OpenGL VR SDK 1.4 in Windows OS, adds a Windows cross-API interop between Vulkan and DirectX 11 and add driver support for DXGI 2VR.
It also includes new SLI and 3D Vision profiles for No Man's Sky, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and some other games as well as fixes plenty of issues including some with Netflix full-screen mode, problems with high DPC latency on GP104 GPUs, issues with SLI in Witcher 3, high GPU idle clock with two DisplayPort monitors and more.
In addition to the Geforce 10 series GTX mobile graphics cards, the new Geforce 372.54 WHQL drivers support all graphics cards since Geforce 400 series days and is available for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. You can download the new drivers for your favorite OS over at Nvidia's driver support page.