So, Nvidia finally launched its new graphics card dubbed the GTX 460 and aimed it at the more price-aware market segment. GTX 460 cards are available for less than €200 for the 768MB GDDR5 model whereas the 1024MB GDDR5 models are priced around the €230 mark.
The GTX 460 is currently Nvidia’s most affordable DirectX 11 card with good performance, quiet cooling and a great overclocking potential. The card will easily go over 800MHz reaching and hitting as high as 850MHz is no problem. Saying this, lower-budget gamers will love this card because it’s capable of gaming at 1920x1200 even without overclocking. The only downside to this card is the competition – AMD’s HD 5830 sells at about €170 and offers similar gaming performance.
EVGA GTX 460 Superclocked 768MB GDDR5 is a factory overclocked card where the GPU runs at 763MHz, CUDA cores at 1526MHz and the memory at 3800MHz (effectively). Apart from the 13% factory GPU overclock, we managed to push the card to 870MHz (reference clock is 675MHz), which is a 29% overclock – not too shabby, we’d say.
Although EVGA’s GTX 460 Superclocked card uses reference cooling, we must admit that for once we didn’t wish for non-reference cooling solution – this is one of the best reference solutions we’ve seen. Operating temperatures hit only 66°C, where the cooler remained really quiet throughout our testing. Idle consumption is low and it doesn’t get much higher in 3D either, so the EVGA GTX 460 will be a great card for those who really like to take control of their rig’s consumption.
EVGA currently offers four cards: 768MB standard clocked for €209.90, 768MB Superclocked for €225, 1GB standard clocked for €239 and the 1GB Superclocked for €255. Although EVGA’s prices are higher than the most affordable GTX 460 cards, excellent customer support and constant updates on various graphics card related tools are reasons enough to consider paying a bit extra. Furthermore, our today’s card managed to outrun the much pricier Geforce GTX 465 on couple of occasions, which really drives our point even further.
If you’re an Nvidian, and you’ve been waiting on Geforce DirectX 11 gaming card price-cuts – then today is your day. EVGA GTX 460 Superclocked offers excellent overclocking potential without stressing your cooler and adding noise, but you won’t make a mistake if you choose the reference model either, as it too can easily be overclocked to at least 800MHz.