Among the products that will be announced is the MagicBook Pro. The company launched the MagicBook 14 and 15 earlier this year, but the Pro model should be more powerful. Honor already launched two models of the MagicBook Pro last year in China - one with Intel's 8th-generation U-series processors, and later one with AMD's H-series Ryzen processors. It's unclear which model will be announced at the event.
Honor will be introducing the Vision Pro TV for global markets at the event. The TV was shown off in China last year, and it sports Huawei's HarmonyOS. It's a 55-inch TV with 4K and HDR support, as well as six 10W speakers for stereo sound.
Honor also says there will be some surprise announcements at the event, though obviously we don't know what they are. The event will be live-streamed on YouTube, and you can