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PC Hardware
Intel reshuffles ULV chips
More duals in time for Windows 7
According to Digitimes, Intel has informed notebook vendors of a cunning plan to reshuffle its ULV processor lineup, by adding affordable dual-cores in the mid range and pushing the venerable SU3500 into the entry level. The changes should go into affect in Q4 and later.
The high-end SU9000 series will be retained, no major changes there.
Core 2 Solo SU3000 series parts, mainly the SU3500, will be replaced by the SU7000 series chips. The affordable 1.3GHz SU7300 will probably be the sweet spot in the lineup, and the SU7800 should show up later.
The Pentium SU2000 series is to be replaced by Core 2 Duo SU4000 series parts, mainly be the SU4100, although SU4500 and SU4700 parts are also planned.
Celeron parts will be replaced by Celeron SU3000 series parts. This sounds a bit vague, as the only Celeron part was the dual-core SU2300 which didn't see many design wins anyway, and it's possible the SU3000 is merely a typo, and it's actually SU2000.
Lowest of the low end series, Celeron 700, will be kept. Intel has recently introduced a slightly faster version of the 723, dubbed Celeron 743.
More here.
Also read:
Intel to launch seven new CULV parts