Nvidia is
saving on Nvision, and even mighty Intel is cutting some costs on IDF Shanghai.
year ago, Intel would happily fly a bunch of important EU and USA hacks to Asia
and put them in nice hotels for a few days, trying to teach them how great Intel
really is, but this won’t be the case this time around.
We’ve learned that IDF Shanghai will be a one day event, and that it will focus more on the Asian press. Intel will save all the good things for IDF USA and we wouldn’t be very surprised if we sew Larrabee at the event.
Intel has shown its upcoming integrated CPU+GPU processor, Clarkdale, to the US press and some EU hacks as well, but they didn’t want to bring it to Cebit, at least they didn’t show it to yours truly, but they swear that they will be on schedule with production of 32nm CPUs in Q4 2009. The GPU is still at 45nm, but this is less important that the upcoming six-core Gulftown 32nm CPU.