As of today, AMD has finally launched four Quad B3 K10 cores. The slowest TLB bug-free CPU, also known as B3, will work at 2.3GHz and ends up branded Phenom 9650. It has a 95W TDP, 2MB total dedicated L2 cache (4x512KB), 2MB L3 cache, 3600MHz HyperTransport bus and fits in socket AM2+.
It will cost $215, but the price is effective as of April 7th. There won’t be any 9550 B3 at 2.2GHz and if you want this speed you should get yourself Phenom 9500.
All four 9X50 CPUs should be available as of today. Second in line is the 9750 with 2.4GHz clock and this one comes in two versions, the one with 95W TDP and second with 125W TDP. Surprisingly, both cost $215, which doesn’t make much sense, as it is the same price as 9650.
The fastest of the Phenoms is the 9850 Black Edition, clocked at 2.5GHz it has a 125W TDP and 4000MHz Hypertransport. It will cost just $235, $20 more than the 9750, which makes it an excellent choice if you want a Phenom.
These prices are from AMD’s official price list and in real life, they tend to be different in retail and e-tail stores.
You can read about the prices here.
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