Published in PC Hardware

Intel postpones three 45nm quad cores

by on19 December 2007

Due to no competition

According to a news story on Digitimes, Intel has decided to delay the launch of three of its upcoming 45nm quad core CPU's as the company doesn't feel like it has to launch these models due to lack of competition in this market segment.

This information has apparently come from some motherboard manufacturers in Taiwan, and the three models Intel are pushing back are the Core 2 Quad Q9300, Q9450 and Q9550.

Supposedly, the reason behind this is that Intel doesn't feel threatened by AMD's Phenom range, and the company is waiting to see what AMD has planned for early next year.

If the sources are right, then these CPU's will be delayed to some time in February or March next year.

You can find the full story here
Last modified on 20 December 2007
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