AMD still keep its mouth shut about the fact that it will delay K10 until Q4 2007, but we learned that despite the delay, the servers will be ready on time. This is not a shocker, as even the old server boards can take care of Barcelona, all they need is a BIOS update.
There is a bunch of Opteron based servers than can take care of K10, especially Barcelona and the old chipsets, mainly the Nvidia professional 3600 chipset can support K10.
As far as we know, this chipset doesn’t support HyperTransport 3.0, but we are sure that Nvidia will have a chipset to accommodate this interchip protocol once it's ready.
The good news is that Barcelona or commercially known as the Opteron 2200 series will be out before Xmas and so will a few Agena FX based Phenom FX processors.
Published in
PC Hardware
Barcelona servers ready in August
But Barcelona K10 won't be