Iphone 7 is harder to bend
Have to work out a better way of destroying it
The world is full of those who within seconds of buying an iPhone want to destroy it – which is probably fair enough.
Canadians come up with a bendy phone
Bendier than the iPhone
Ever since Apple came up with a smartphone that bent, everyone wants to copy them. Now a team of researchers have come up with ReFlex which they claims is the first true bendable smartphone.
Apple designing another bendy phone
This time on purpose
While Apple was rightly mocked for releasing a phone which could bend easier than a Romanian gymnast it seems that the Knight of the Rounded Rectangle Sir Johnny Ives thinks it was a pretty super cool idea.
Aluminium charges in a minute
Could replace lithium-ion batteries
A team of US boffins have emerged from their smoke filled labs claiming that they have a replacement for lithium-ion batteries