Published in Mobiles

Apple worried about “its” first iPhone p*rn app

by on04 February 2025

Available through third-party app store

Fruity cargo cult Apple and its minions in the Tame Apple Press are telling the EU, “We told you so,” after the first porn app for the iPhone appeared on a third-party website.

For those who came in late, Apple resisted EU demands to allow third-party app stores access to the Apple eco-system because doing so would flood its Walled Garden of Delights with dodgy software.

Now, third-party app store AltStore PAL, announced that a porn app called Hot Tub was now available to iOS users in the European Union. To make it worse AltStore pitched Hot Tub as the “first Apple-approved porn app.”

Now, Apple says it’s “deeply concerned” about Hot Tub.

“We are deeply concerned about the safety risks that hardcore porn apps of this type create for EU users, especially kids,” an Apple spokesperson said in a statement.

 “This app and others like it will undermine consumer trust and confidence in our ecosystem, where we have worked for more than a decade to make the best in the world. Contrary to the false statements made by the marketplace developer, we certainly disapprove of this app and would never offer it in our App Store.”

As Apple has pointed out, its notarisation guidelines state that app makers shouldn’t “suggest or imply that Apple is a source or supplier of the App, or that Apple endorses any particular representation regarding quality or functionality.” AltStore’s statements would seem to go against that guidance.

AltStore creator Riley Testut denied making "any false statements.” Hot Tub, he says, “was submitted to Apple’s notarisation process where Apple employees then approved it for distribution with alternative app marketplaces such as AltStore PAL.” He said it was this approval that AltStore was referencing in its marketing. “The DMA also does not require Apple to approve apps for distribution. They have chosen to do so themselves,” he added.

Apple has made little secret of its frustration with the DMA, which requires it to allow third-party app stores in Europe.

“The truth is that we are required by the European Commission to allow it to be distributed by marketplace operators like AltStore and Epic who may not share our concerns for user safety,” the company said in its statement about Hot Tub.

In addition to AltStore, Fortnite maker and longtime Apple foe Epic recently announced plans to bring third-party mobile games to its Epic Games app in the EU. Though AltStore Pal and Epic aren’t officially affiliated, Epic gave the alternative app store a “MegaGrant” last year to help fund the “core technology fees” third-party app stores must pay Apple.

However, Epic has Tim McSwenney said that despite Jobs' Mob's spin on this, Hot Tub is not in Epic's app store. 

"Epic Games Store doesn’t carry this app, doesn’t carry any porn apps, and has never carried porn apps," he said.


Last modified on 04 February 2025
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