Unfortunately, OnePlus did not reveal any more details other than a glimpse of the watch face which shows two physical buttons, and the "it's time, to do it right!" tagline. Thankfully, an earlier leak suggested it is built around a 1.43-inch AMOLED screen and comes powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon W5 Gen1 SoC. This is the 4nm SoC that features four Cortex A53 cores and one Cortex M55 core with A702 GPU and promises 50 percent longer battery life, a sleeker design thanks to smaller and thinner SoC, and other improvements.
OnePlus also did not reveal the launch date but the same leak suggests it will launch on February 26th.
It's about 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 pic.twitter.com/SDt2o5Fpms
— OnePlus (@oneplus) February 19, 2024