The ROG Phone 5 has 18GB of memory and Qualcomm's latest Snapdragon 888 processor. It has a custom-made 6.8-inch Samsung OLED display, contains two battery cells and is cooled by a vapour chamber system -- and its higher-tier models bundle an attachable fan cooler for even more performance.
Besides the over the top design, the ROG Phone 5 comes with an app providing a console-like interface, and Asus is working with game makers to add support for the highest refresh rates.
Asus has found success partnering with Chinese internet giant Tencent Holdings. The two companies have collaborated on the marketing of ROG Phones and certification of games in China for several generations, and the country is one of Asus' main focus markets, the Taiwanese manufacturer said.
Unlike the PC market, where higher clock speeds and more memory can translate into higher fidelity or larger screens, practically every company relies on the same basic mobile architecture.