A device with a Xiaomi Dipper codename showed up at the Geekbench 4 score board and it revealed Snapdragon 845 like performance from a 6GB based phone. The phone even has the sdm845 listed in the specs. This is an ARM based eight core ARM implementer 81 architecture 8 variant 6 part 2050 revision 13. The base frequency of the slower cores is set to 1.77 GHz.
The phone is running Android 8.0, most likely MIUI version of the User interface on top of it and scores 2449 in single and 8308 in multi score. This is in line what we’ve seen with Snapdragon 845 powered phone form factor test devices.
The device is expected in late Q2 2018 and might feature Samsung 6 inch OLED with always on as well as wireless charger support. First let's see the Mi MIX 2S that is supposed to give phones like Galaxy S9 a run for its money at least in overall performance but again, we will have to see if Xiaomi managed to improve the camera performance compared to last year’s Snapdragon 835 based Mi MIX 2.